Tuesday, December 15, 2009

God vs. Dinosaurs

I posted this on FB the other day...but I want it here as well so I can remember it.

Tate: Did God make the dinosaurs?
Me: Yes.
Tate: Then did the dinosaurs eat God?
Me: No.
Tate: Did dinosaurs eat people?
Me: Hmmm, I am not sure.
Tate: Look it up online.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year we traveled to Portland, OR for Thanksgiving. We almost always spend Thanksgiving with my BFF Brook and her brother Mat. Their Dad lives in Portland, so this year we all went there. We had a great time. Lots of food, drinks, games and Wii Rock Band.

"On the road again......."

Traffic was great until we got to Portland.

One of the many bridges in Portland.

Daddy teaching Tate how to drum......kind of.....

Daddy and Tate attempting to put together some dinosaur thing.....yeah, it didnt work. We put it away.

Lincoln Logs!

Quelf. Yes, it is a game. If you have ever played it, it would make perfect sense that Bethany has tin foil on her hand.

This is the only picture I got of the three of us together on Thanksgiving.

Me and my good friend Bethany.

Me and my BFF Brook.

And of course, no trip is complete without a stop at a disc golf course. It was a bright sunny day in Portland; but it was freezing! Tate and I hung out in the car while Chris golfed.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I just spent a good 20 minutes working on a Thanksgiving post and Blogger ate it. GRRRRR.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Tate's friend Ayden invited us to go bowling this past Saturday. We had a great time...but Tate was sad he didnt get a strike. However, I had two! :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oldies but goodies

These are from last year around Christmas. Someday Tate will be mad at me for showing people pictures like these. But he is so cute!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

One light burned out before we even began.

Daddy wanted to be a robot too!

Sleepy robot Tate.

Monday, November 2, 2009

And the winner is......


We entered Tate into the costume contest at Fred Meyer on Saturday. He won! He won a $ 25 gift card. We let him pick out any toy (under $25) that he wanted. He picked a Cars set with firetruck Mater, rescue helicopter and dalmation Mia & Tia. He was so proud of himself. :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tate of Halloween's Past

Tate's first Halloween ~ 2005 (Lion)

Tate's second Halloween ~ 2006 (Scarecrow)
Tate's fourth Halloween ~ 2008 (Knight)

I am missing Tate's third Halloween. I am searching the pics I have on my work computer, but it may be on the home computer. Once I find it I will add it in.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Meals we have left for October

The month is almost over. Here are the meals we still haven't made. I am not planning on making a full November menu. I want to see how long we can go with what we have around the house, without doing a major shop.

Lentil & brown rice casserole
Ham & cheese omelets
Navajo tacos
Grandma Mack breakfast casserole
Appetizer sandwiches
Crock pot beef enchiladas
Crock pot potato bacon soup
Smothered chicken with brown rice
Not soggy nachos

Veggie beef soup

Monday, October 26, 2009


Yes. Tate is playing basketball with a soccer ball. Shortly after I took these pictures, Chris and Tate walked down to the local sports store and bought a basketball.....and then didnt play with it. Boys. Hmmm, or maybe they did but I was making dinner.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Every year daycare takes the kids to the Hunter's Pumpkin Patch. Chris and I always go with. Not sure what we will do next year when Tate is in school and no longer at daycare. Maybe they will still let us tag along.

Tate in the hay maze.
The slide is the kids favorite part of the day.